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Become Your Own Financial Chaperone

I sometimes find my eyes and mind wandering as I roam the aisles in the grocery store and the mall. With so many shopping choices today, it is often too easy to dig a little deeper in our wallets and purses to get something we consider a “must have”. While there is nothing wrong with treating ourselves (if it is built into a spending plan) trouble may arise when the extras get out of hand. Use the following tips to help keep your expenses, and goals, on track.

Financial Planning
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Renting vs. Buying

How many of you have heard the adage that renting is just throwing money down the drain every month? Probably most of you. However, it’s important to take a serious look at both sides of the coin when determining whether renting, or buying is better for your own personal situation.

Financial Planning
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Fixed vs. ARM: Which is Right for You?

As interest rates continue to rise we think its important to review two common types of mortgages. You may have heard the terms “Fixed Rate” and “Adjustable-Rate” (ARM) mortgages; and there are many facts to consider before choosing one besides the interest rate. An important, and sometimes confusing, decision; choosing the appropriate mortgage product can play a large role in determining how happy and comfortable you are in your new home.

Financial Planning
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